Sunday, June 22, 2003

what you'll accept

One more week of June

So my personal philosophy for living has come down to this:

it's all about what you'll accept.

Like, I won't accept living anywhere but in Atlanta right now.

Because of this, I will accept driving a piece of metal, that, day by day, becomes less of a car and more of a vaguely car-shaped piece of metal that happens to move with a gasoline engine.

Erin and I had a writer's meeting scheduled this week, and despite the fact that I had major family drama going on, I had the meeting anyway. I considered calling her the night before and saying, hey, things are crazy, I don't know if we can do this right now; but she had all ready taken off work and we were both so excited about starting the project, I thought to hell with it and she came on down anyway. We had our meeting and made our plans. Our plans are fabulous. I expect to be holding my next self-publication in my hands by the end of January. And hopefully, when Erin come to visit for our next meeting in August, I won't be running out of the room every 10 minutes to talk in a back room with various relatives. I hope.

We used my new 18-month wall calendar to plan this huge project. I have a panel for each of the next 18 months on my wall, so I can plan the big plans, make the big dreams happen. Watch out. Beware my 18 month planner; it's mighty.

Just when I was all hyped up about my 18 month planner though, I visited one of my aunts who has now organized every day of her weekly routine into lists which she laminated and three hole punched into a binder. She can use dry-erase markers to check off what she's done. She even has a master grocery list made out in the order that food is organized in her local grocery store. I was so full of admiration and envy over her master binder skills that I almost fell over.

I am not going to accept a disorganized life. Right now the house we moved into is still just getting settled, and will be for another month, I fear. Most of the organizing has been done by my room mates Ron and Dinan, and I love them for their efforts. Still, I occasionally go completely stark raving bonkers because nothing in this house is in the same place from day to day yet. As stuff gets unpacked, the order of everything gets shuffled. I spent 20 minutes yesterday morning looking for the tea before I gave up. Dinan had just moved it from its commercial tea box into decorative tins.

So I have to accept disorganization now, because that's the way it is. But everything is changing, I'm busy all the time, and soon it will all get better. I know it will. It's marked down on my 18 month calendar.

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