Friday, September 23, 2022

Now it is Autumn

It's autumn now. The kids are 16 and 14.

It's been over a decade since I last updated this blog. I could write about everything that happened between now and then, but that's not why I'm restarting this blog. I stopped writing here for all the usual reasons - the internet moved away from personal blogs into the walled gardens of Livejournal, and then Facebook. I was busy being a mom and having a career, which included a lot of professional and personal publishing in different ways. 

Then there's been the pandemic.

I'm restarting things here to get back into the habit of writing personally on a regular schedule. I'm writing a blog to keep track of the things that started happening to us on March 13, 2020, and have yet to stop happening us because of the pandemic. Everything was always going to change, of course. Summer was always going to end, and the autumn of everything was always going to come. But the summer was so long, and so warm, I guess I forgot to plan better for this.

Welcome to fall. My mantra for the year has been this: It's 2022, the world is on fire, and nobody knows anything. We're all just trying our best.

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